Redeemer's Leadership Institute
Effective and Efficient leadership is undoubtedly one of the greatest areas of need in the church today. The 21st century church is also contending at a slower pace with a rapidly changing post-modern culture. The dearth of good leadership in the secular corporate environment also poses an added challenge for the church. The moral strength and character of the church provides a solid foundation on which to build a strategic global leadership framework for the future.
The subject of leadership has been an area of focus within the church community for many years and leadership training has accelerated worldwide along with the existence of several leadership seminars and conferences. In more recent years, there has been some synergy in the leadership training programs provided within the Christian community and the corporate environment. It is not uncommon for trainers in the secular world to be invited to train church leaders, especially in certain specific areas of focus, forexample financial/business management, IRS/Tax compliance and so on.